Private Investigator

Private Investigator

At Stecristom Private Detective Agency our investigators are thoroughly trained in every faucet of investigations and the law. You first image of a private investigator may be some guy in a dirty suit seating in his car in a dark alley waiting for his target to come out. But, that is only in the movies. In real life private investigators wear suits and are professional in their conduct of investigations. A private investigator worth his “salt” knows that every aspect of his investigation may be questioned later in a court of law. Hence, he or she must make sure that every investigation is conduct professionally and within the limits of the law.

Whatever type of situation you may be facing now, you can be sure that it will be investigated thoroughly and no stone will be left unturned by the time you get the final report. The following are two criminal cases that Stecristom Private Detective Agency was successful in:

United States of America v. SSG Alberto Martinez: In June 2005, while stationed in Iraq, Staff Sergeant Alberto Martinez was charged with premeditated murder after Captain Phillip Esposito, the Company Commander and Lieutenant Louis Allen, the Executive Officer, were killed by a claymore mine that was detonated next to Captain Esposito’s office. Most of the case was based on motive and an informant that was proven to be lying to get favorable action in his own court-martial. Mr. Ortega’s investigation revealed witnesses who provided substantial evidence that another soldier could have committed the murders. Staff Sergeant Martinez was found not guilty.

United States of America vs. SFC David Martinez: In 1990, while stationed in Iraq, Sergeant First Class David Martinez, the Acting First Sergeant, was accused of raping Specialist Jacqueline Ortiz, a member of his unit. Most of the case was based on what Ms. Ortiz said. Mr. Ortega’s investigation revealed information discrediting Specialist Ortiz complaint which led to the rape charge been dismissed.